I faced emacs cpu usage 100% problem. emacs became very slow. so I check cpu usage, and emacs’s cpu usage is 100%, and many python3 running. I can’t say correctly, however 3 result of org-babel code block including RESULT. I deleted some code block including RESULT from file. and it works smooth. Resultly, I stop using LSP-bdidge. I installed ‘all-the-icons-dired’ in Emacs. It adds icons to dired-mode, but it took some time for the icons to appear.

After installation, initially, only monochrome icons appeared. So, I set ‘all-the-icons-dired monochrome’ to nil.

I also encountered an issue with hooking ‘all-the-icons-dired-mode’ when invoking dired. It turned out I misspelled something in ‘config.el’, which took some time to identify.

Furthermore, the folder icons were displaying as file icons, and the PDF file icon looked like a garbage box, which seemed odd. So, I switched to ’nerd-icons-dired’. Finally, it achieved the appearance I desired."