Struglling with ox-hugo

I installed ox-hugo to Emacs. I want to write my blog in Emacs and publish it to my blog. Same as until now, I installed it but it’s not working. I refactored my blog entries but haven’t published any yet. They’re all in one org file named I’m supposed to write in this single file and then publish them as separate .md files. I added PROPERTIES to every subtree, but an error occurred and it didn’t publish....

April 15, 2024 · 1 min · 121 words · toto-yousyo

stacking emacs course for RESULT.

I faced emacs cpu usage 100% problem. emacs became very slow. so I check cpu usage, and emacs’s cpu usage is 100%, and many python3 running. I can’t say correctly, however 3 result of org-babel code block including RESULT. I deleted some code block including RESULT from file. and it works smooth. Resultly, I stop using LSP-bdidge. I installed ‘all-the-icons-dired’ in Emacs. It adds icons to dired-mode, but it took some time for the icons to appear....

April 14, 2024 · 1 min · 150 words · toto-yousyo


today, I watched a movie about denote. It occrured me how to write the denote. It can write jouranl. I wrote every journal in org-capture. But I knew about denote-journal. Which should I use org-capture journal or denote-journal? Let’s test denote-journal. I want to watch more video about denote. I forget. I watched about meta note. I must create ’the meta-note’. This above is sample note. it’s not metanote. I think I use a refile....

April 13, 2024 · 1 min · 98 words · toto-yousyo

my org-agenda

I added the priority to my tasks in my org-agenda. Since yesterday,I didn’t add any priorities. It happened I didn’t start important tasks and did from easy to proceed tasks. But of course It occurred bad thing. I evaluate tasks of this importance.

April 12, 2024 · 1 min · 43 words · toto-yousyo

Exhausted day, today

Exhausted day, today. I fixes LP. But I don’t understand why I can center text, why I can display: flex, why contests over rides fixed bar above. Perhaps transcend. I took over time to fix it. And not at all problem yet. What should I do after Denver l dinner. A little rust, org mode, and so on. Today I can’t create any snippets. I could do today are fix control Skk....

April 11, 2024 · 1 min · 93 words · toto-yousyo